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7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present: Ken Strom; Leonard Anderson; Michael Scott; Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Anthony Costello

Members Absent: Nancy Rocheleau

Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith

Others: Dan Hazen; Dan Leahy, Brian Dorwart  P.E. & George Kiritsy - CB Blair Dev.

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

NOI Alden Woods Sewer - Dan Leahy has met with Dave Gedman from DCR with regard to the conditions at the site relative to winterization.  They have cleared the check dams, realigned the tarp on the stockpile of material, and added additional bark on disturbed areas.  Dan Hazen submitted revised stormwater management calcs and plans at this meeting.  The Board will review them and this case was continued to January 3, 2007.

Certificates of Compliance

20 Putman Ln. - Anthony visited the site and noted that the drainage from the driveway is making its way to the abutter's property.  P. Harding will contact the applicant to set up a site visit to see if this can be remedied.  This will be continued to January 3rd.

118 Brattle St. -  The applicant has not paid any portion of the fine.  P. Harding will issue a letter stating that the Board will not issue a COC until the fine is paid.

60 Dorothy Ave. - R. Lowell visited the site and noted that the wetland plantings that were to be done were not complete as agreed upon.  P. Harding will notify the applicant.

Eagle Terrace Roadway - Continued - more information needed.

Stormwater Management Regs -

M. Scott wanted to know if the references in the regs have been checked as to the accuracy.  He noted that the time reference for a review was within 14 days after submittal and felt it should be longer as this Board meets only once per month.  They would definitely need a longer lead-time for major projects.  The Board felt that an outside engineering firm should also be used for review on major projects.  M. Kennedy suggested cross checking these new regs with the new state stormwater regs.  M. Kennedy felt that the wording should be made clearer as to work done for landscaping etc. could be counted to reduce work in other areas.  P. Harding will contact C.E.I. with the Board's concerns.


L. Anderson moved to accept the minutes of November 8, 2006.  M. Scott seconded and the vote was unanimous with A. Costello abstaining.

R. Lowell moved to close the meeting at 7:55 p.m.  L. Anderson seconded and the vote was unanimous.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 3, 2007.